Lime Curd

Recipe: Lime Curd

IngredientsLime Curd 1

  • 1/2-cup granulated sugar
  • 2 large eggs, room temperature
  • 2 Tbs grated lime zest
  • 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lime juice
  • 4 Tbs unsalted butter, diced


In a medium saucepan combine sugar, eggs, lime zest and juice. Cook mixture over medium-low heat, whisking constantly. Cook until mixture begins to thicken, about 10-15 minutes.

Remove pan from heat and whisk in diced butter only adding a few pieces at a time. Mix until well combined.

Using a fine strainer, pour the mixture through a fine sieve or cheese cloth.

Now cover mixture with plastic by laying plastic wrap directly on the surface of the curd to prevent a film or “skin” from forming.

Chill the curd with plastic over it for 3 hours or overnight to set the curd

Whisk before using or serving.


Lime CurdPreparation time: 20 minute(s)

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